【Life】Glory Window

We often see spiral shapes, spiral creatures and plants in nature. Such as shells, flowers, vines, etc., related to the cyclical growth of life.



This mysterious spiral has been applied to the development of human culture in ancient times and is considered to be a symbol of vitality and creativity. It contains the meanings of new life, creation, eternal, continuous, rebirth, information, growth, wisdom, innocence and calm.

“The Glory  window takes its name from Psalm 19 and contains 73 panels of faceted glass following the spiral shape of the ceiling. Lower panela feature varying shapes of blue, which to Loire represented the color of peace. As the spiral continues inwards and upwards, the color become warmer and brighter until reaching the center where 60 feet above the floor the panels give way to a circle of beaming yellow light. Loire meant this progression to express life with its difficulties its forces, its joys, its torments, and its frightening aspects. Bit by bit, all of that give way to an explosion of gold where the summit is reached.

An image of the Glory Window was chosen for the official United Nations stamp in 2000 during the international Year of Thanksgiving. It was also featured in the 2011 Oscar-nominated film The Tree of Life.” — Guide to Thanks-Giving Square.

The Glory Window is a skyline in The Chapel of Thanks-Giving. Please come with me to enjoy this famous Glory Window.







This is the first time, I participated in the filming activities organized by the local photography association and learned a lot of knowledge, including Glory Window. It’s fun to shoot! Thanks to Nock, Rickyhan for guiding and organizing by Windus.


《【Life】Glory Window》上有7条评论

  1. Nock point out: They are fantastic but over-exposure. The center of the pictures losing the detail and can not be corrected by Photoshop Lightroom.

    The center panel is a lot brighter than other panels, it needs to set the correct exposure on the center panel (lower the ISO to 100).

  2. 哈哈,高老师在对我们进行英语考试啊!

  3. 高老师:班门弄斧再写2句,可不要批评这个学生太调皮:
    1、我注意到lory Window~荣耀之窗的照片都是左旋(逆时针旋转)。

    1. 谢谢朋友细致阅读及提出问题。敬佩朋友多才博学,我没有读过达尔文的这篇文章。依您所说攀援植物是遗传祖先的本能,那么动物也是遗传祖先的基因。但是像大树的生长和贝壳类动物在生长过程中是周期性的,才会出现树轮和贝纹。例如,由种被称为“明”的圆蛤类软体动物,其身上的贝壳共有405条纹理,科学家们最后断定,这些动物已经存活了405年。

  4. 关于植物、贝壳的旋性,目前比较流行的说法是,源自于它最初的生长环境——南半球或北半球,它们都是为了适应地球的自转。虽然后来生活的环境改变了,但其遗传特征却保留了下来。


    1. 非常欢迎批评指正讨论切磋。您看的书确实很多,长期研究工作也使得您考虑问题细致严谨,非常好的态度。我应该向您学习!

